2008年6月20日 星期五

We're going to shutdown O'machi web site for now


O'machi web site(http://omachi.jcoolmobi.com/) which was built for ADC is now going to be shutted down today, becuase of the new plan of jCoolMobi team is getting started, and we need a developing machine and might not run the machine all day long (think about GREEN :P). But, we will keep updating the O'machi Life blog for the new features of O'machi phonebook, Android developing expecriences, and will also keep you posted about the status of our plan.

2008年6月15日 星期日

結束了Google Developer Day 2008 精彩的一天

終於結束了Google Developer Day精彩的一天,我在Showcase上的表演,雖然因為網路不穩,而出了一點點小問題,導致我很想讓大家看到的,利用XMPP實現的server push的notification訊息,沒能完整的demo出來,這是比較可惜的。而且在正要準備present時,我的Mac和投影機好像不太合,在我做設定調整時竟不小心把要給大家看到畫面和我自已看的畫面顛倒播放了,真的是一整個緊張啊~ 還好請ZK的講者幫忙,讓他們先present,然後我在繼續設定我的投影機(我不認識你,但我真的謝謝你)。


以下是我在show case的slides

Google Developer Day 2008 Taipei

2008年6月12日 星期四

We are going to have a 15-minute showcase session in Google Developer Day 2008 Taipei

We are going to have a 15-minute showcase session in Google Developer Day 2008 Taipei. What a surprise! We didn't win the cake of ADC I, but we do get a chance to show what we've done for O'machi. It's really reassuring me.

But, on the other hand, I felt a little bit nervous for this. I haven't done a presentation like this before, I meant it's really hard to make a presentation in such a short time, especially I need to do sort of demos, and the demonstrations suppose to be the most important part in the session. Anyway, I'll try my best. Hopefully I will get a good performance.

I will put the slides and photos here, after the event.

Good luck for jCoolMobi, and for me, and for O'machi!

2008年6月9日 星期一

O'machi phonebook for Android is available


O'machi phonebook apk is now available for download. This is the submission for Android Challenge and is only running on Android emulator. Since we are now running our new plan for Android application, the O'machi web site for ADC and the apk download point will be removed on next week. We need a machine for our new project, sorry for that. If you'd like to understand more about how O'machi works, please download the PDF by the link.

apk Download

We appreciate your comments on O'machi phonebook.

Yes... it's time to update our status


在落選之後,雖然有點小小的失望,不過,看到了入選的精彩作品後,其實也滿佩服那些世界各地的好手們,大家都在短短的時間內,做出了很棒的作品。而我們jCoolMobi team,雖然沒入選,不過在這四個月來的學習以及努力,我們也累積了不少Android的技術經驗,例如,Gtalk XMPP的Android to Server以及Server to Android Intent的雙向傳輸相關技術,Android及以Server Side的background Sync等等,這些東西都是日後我們會再繼續應用在我們新的開發計畫上的重要技術。這些我們自已所得到的收穫,也是很值得開心的。

我們目前正在設計新的開發計畫,我們的目標不是做出一個讓人驚豔的新idea,或者一個什麼新的交友分享平台,而是希望做出一個,可能有點無聊,但卻是人人在日常生活上本來就會用到的東西,我們希望利用Android的技術讓人們的生活變的更方便、更簡單,也順便滿足了我們自已玩技術的渴望,最好,未來還有機會滿足我們的荷包 :P 。


2008年4月19日 星期六

O'machi document has been updated.

Hi, guys~ I just updated our O'machi document in O'machi web site. You are now able to download the PDF version which is more clearer then the HTML one. Please feel free to download it by the link or go to O'machi web site. We are looking forward to seeing your feedbacks. :)

Talking to O'machi GTalk Robot

If you felt that the O'machi GTalk Robot is kind of annoying because of the continuous RSS feed updates notifications, don't worry, and please don't block it up. If you just blocked it up, your android emulator would not be able to get the just-in-time notifications from O'machi server. 

It's really easy to get rid of the it. Please just ask O'machi robot by sending her a "help". You'll get the answer.  ;)

We are still  working on the enhancement of O'machi GTalk robot. Soon you will be able to touch more services of O'machi by simply sending the commands to the robot, even manage the mobile data within your Android phone.